Mother of Maddie de Garay, speaks out about her 13 year old daughter’s life-altering injuries after taking the second dose of Pfizer-BioNTech Covid vaccine. In late July 2020, the US-based Pfizer-BioNTech phase 3 trial of adolescents aged 12-15 years began, 1131 were administered two-doses of the vaccine and 1129 were given a placebo. Maddie de Garay, aged 12 at the time, was one of the 1131. Stephanie, her mother, shares Maddie’s heart-breaking story of how her daughter can now barely see, suffers from tinnitus, mobility issues, vomiting, blood in her urine, numbness in her body and has at least 10-20 seizures a day.
My interview with the mother of Maddie de Garay