Jul 19Liked by Sonia Elijah

Wasn’t crowdstrike the security software that allowed the Russians to hack the DNC server in 2016, telling the FBI it was not Seth Rich who leaked the information to Wikileaks?

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Indeed it was. In addition, Crowdstrike, before a Senate committee, later admitted their evidence was..... not evidence at all. Over to Hills Rodham Clinton.

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Aaaaaannnd what happens when we get hit by a decent solar flare?!?

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Exactly what my first thought was. A Carrington Event would send us back to the Victorian era!

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How long will the WEF manage to keep people fooled that they are not a terrorist organization? I guess when you have schooled generations in 'what to think' you can carry on indefinitely.

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These people are pure evil and fuckin nuts

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I don't understand why so many companies signed up with Crowdstrike and prioritized in the past 6 months getting this awful app installed on all desktops, laptops and mobile devices when previous anti-virus protection was working just fine.

Anyone who left their computer turned on over night got the defective update installed which forced a restart. Sounds like a massive hacker attack.

It seems this sort of chaos is planned disruption to normalize outages everywhere and to remind us peons that this is the new normal.

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This is also down to execs on expenses group think - 'What's the latest? Do it!'

See ESG, DEI and other duff 'ideas'.

Still, execs as employees got their money, leaving business owners, shareholders and lesser employees to literally count the cost.

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So Microsoft offered a free lunch but the real cost is 75% of all managed laptops and desktops were bluescreened resulting in untold IT support costs and company productivity.

It does seemed like it was planned.

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Anyone who thinks this is coincidental ???

Its fully coordinated ...

This term being the new euphemism (new-speak) for totalitarianism or despotism ...


If this chaos is planned to be The New Normal, then just let us see what happens to people's daily lives once the CBDCs are coerced on everybody and everywhere ...

Mass-starvation in full supermarkets !!!


Let us all have a pleasant trip to Mars or

DE-centralize, build sustainable community, grow, make, sell, buy locally. Live your life staying free.

A clear NO to all this global corporate BS !!!

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I read an article a number of years ago where the author predicted a failure of one of the cloud ecosystems (Microsoft). He suggested that a patch/upgrade would (be used to?) trigger a failure. Will require a lot of effort to bring all these machines back given the 'blue screen of death'.

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Wouldn't it be ironic if the A.I. that they're using to manifest all this skullduggery actually 'realised' who the baddies actually were. 'Intelligence', of itself, is a creation of the divine with a purpose that, clearly, 'they' do not comprehend. Imagine that !

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Not a surprise. They are playing there game. The rich create a problem and the solution they provide under duress.

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