Exactly one year ago, I published a 2-part investigative report detailing the contamination of mRNA shots with plasmid DNA and the cancer-promoting SV40 genetic sequence.
My heart bleeds, my eyes fill with tears, I cannot help but wonder, what if not a demon, possesses anyone to have such callous disregard for life, and so profound a love for profit.
It is demonic isn't it? An no one knows what the long term damage that will be. For all our technological advancement we are far behind the Roman Empire for storing food for our people. Our grain stores could not season crops failing for a year without millions dying. Lucre, the filthy road to all evil, my grandfather's mangled quote...
I suspect that he’s one of many so steeped in a belief system / cult that full acknowledgement of the implications of what’s in front of him would wash away all the foundations on which his life’s work rests.
The children now walking around with a heart not strong enough to weather a life. Until we admit the problem, we are wasting valuable time that we could spend scanning for heart and blood conditions. My kids were coerced into taking this poison, I'm furious!
One may be able to live longer and healthier by accepting the real possibility and ALL big pharma drugs, vaccines and mRNA poisons are doing things to your body that are quite astonishing and I mean that in a terrible way. No one knows for sure what is really happening underneath the hood, so to speak.
Big pharma never has to relinquish the full list of ingredients in their drugs as some of them are said to be proprietary and secret (for competition purposes) and that should scare the crap out of you. Never mind reading the drug inserts since not even your "esteemed and super intelligent" doctor has any clue whatsoever.
After the last 5 years, can we trust big pharma? Not me as I avoid all their drugs, even OTC.
COVID injections are nothing short of a real world horror show.
My heart bleeds, my eyes fill with tears, I cannot help but wonder, what if not a demon, possesses anyone to have such callous disregard for life, and so profound a love for profit.
It is demonic isn't it? An no one knows what the long term damage that will be. For all our technological advancement we are far behind the Roman Empire for storing food for our people. Our grain stores could not season crops failing for a year without millions dying. Lucre, the filthy road to all evil, my grandfather's mangled quote...
It’s nothing to worry about though.
Later he says:
“please do not worry about your 12 year old. this is a silly academic argument between Scientists and regulators.”
These scientists are all insane, and incredibly arrogant as well.
The deception, lying, obfuscation …then this insouciance? It’s incredible.
Yes, just read his odd response. Could be he doesn't want to cause people intense distress about their jabbed 12 year olds.
I suspect that he’s one of many so steeped in a belief system / cult that full acknowledgement of the implications of what’s in front of him would wash away all the foundations on which his life’s work rests.
The children now walking around with a heart not strong enough to weather a life. Until we admit the problem, we are wasting valuable time that we could spend scanning for heart and blood conditions. My kids were coerced into taking this poison, I'm furious!
The cure for all of this is Nature = goD. Materialism is anti-goD.
Grow your own. Keep your own council. Beware.
Love your neighbor as yourself when you can.
Accept that Demons are real and take many forms including Human appearances.
Demonic possession comes in many forms and can last from minutes to a lifetime.
Fear not. Bravery is like a muscle. Use it daily.
Thank you for your work Sonia... and your bravery.
One may be able to live longer and healthier by accepting the real possibility and ALL big pharma drugs, vaccines and mRNA poisons are doing things to your body that are quite astonishing and I mean that in a terrible way. No one knows for sure what is really happening underneath the hood, so to speak.
Big pharma never has to relinquish the full list of ingredients in their drugs as some of them are said to be proprietary and secret (for competition purposes) and that should scare the crap out of you. Never mind reading the drug inserts since not even your "esteemed and super intelligent" doctor has any clue whatsoever.
After the last 5 years, can we trust big pharma? Not me as I avoid all their drugs, even OTC.
How can anyone be surprised?
Bulhault's video of testimony in South Carolina... https://www.bitchute.com/video/44uDSEtL4lMo/
SC Senate Hearing - USC Professor Dr. Phillip Buckhaults ..................................