Jun 9·edited Jun 9

Girardot's work is appreciated, but it is EXTREMELY dangerous to say that the dangers of mRNA vaccines are ONLY due to "accidental intravenous injections" (which implies "they are safe if administered properly"). The gold-standard clinical trials done by Pfizer and Moderna themselves had a 16% increase in non-COVID deaths and a 45% increase in cardiovascular-related deaths (and a net effect of "4 killed for every 3 saved") with mRNA vaccination compared to placebo, which demonstrates that mRNA vaccines are INHERENTLY not safe.


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Many people are okay. A hit every foot is handlable by our bodies.

Steve Kirsch tested me on that and I found smallpox vaccine to be sometime much more dangerous than mRNA.

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9

Hi, thanks for responding, although the "most people are okay" argument is fallacious: surely you understand that even the most severe health risks only lead to serious consequences in a small minority of those exposed, just like the majority of smokers, unhealthy eaters, couch potatoes, etc. are certainly "doing okay".

Do you expect us to ignore:

1) Pfizer and Moderna's own clinical trial results showing that mRNA vaccines increase non-COVID / cardiovascular mortality by a non-trivial, double-digit percentage


2) the non-trivial long-term excess mortality trends post-vaccination that are apparent on a worldwide scale https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/cumulative-excess-deaths-per-million-covid?tab=chart&time=2020-06-30..2022-12-31&country=USA~GBR~AUS~JPN~ITA~DEU~CAN~KOR~NZL

3) the general population's own experiences of witnessing an alarming frequency of unexpected post-vaccine deaths in people they personally know https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/public_surveys/died_suddenly_more_than_1_in_4_think_someone_they_know_died_from_covid_19_vaccines ?

Do you really think we can ignore all of the evidence that points in the same direction with notable consistency, and simply believe the claim that "mRNA vaccines are safe if administered properly"? Again, your work is appreciated, but the totality of evidence definitely does not support that particular claim.

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It's a VERY interesting interesting theory but I find his obsessive insistence that ONLY the inadvertent intramuscular injection is the problem to be disturbing. I always wonder WHY someone is so insistent that their one theory is the only correct answer. Personally, I think that the entire mRNA idea is flawed and far too dangerous and suspect to be used for the general public. I think the problem is MUCH more than just the inadvertent injection. He argues that he has discovered this new concept, bolus theory, which to some degree overturns a great chunk of currently accepted medical and scientific thought, but at the same time declares with TOTAL confidence that all other theories of mRNA vaccine damage are wrong. What about the issues of DNA contamination with this shot? What about the lipid nanoparticles? What about the integration of these products into human DNA? What about the fact that these are entirely novel products that work in an entirely different way to conventional vaccines? I suspect that both the mRNA vaccine and other vaccines have fundamental toxicities which are doing harm - e.g. perhaps aluminium.

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Hi Guy,

I am not obsessive, and I can prove it.

In my most-read article, I highlighted circulating spike as a theory 3 years ago (see my award-winning BizNews article). But then I falsified it...

For 2 years, I thought cancer was impossible, and said so, until I discovered a new route, and foud that the bolus helped again.

I used Toyota's root cause analysis and discovered the only way you can poison the body with a tested very small dose. My theory is the only reproducible theory.

I don't think or suspect, I prove. I suggest you read my book, and contact me to discuss my flaws. Best. Marc

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Legal Precedent June 7, 2024 for U.S. Citizens to Deny Medical Treatment.

June 9, 2024: Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF) issued a press release regarding their recent win in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Judge R. Nelson and Judge Collins concurred that the LA County School District’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate violated individual human rights of employees because the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ do not prevent against infection by providing immunity and therefore, are not ‘vaccines.’

Pfizer and the FDA have provided more incriminating evidence validating HFDF’s accurate claim that COVID-19 injections are not vaccines and in fact, cause SARS-CoV-2 infection in previously healthy children and adults.

Pfizer FDA Study Confirms: 75% of Boosted Children and 72% of Boosted Adults are COVID-19 Infected...

Pfizer FDA Study Confirms that 75% of Boosted Children are COVID-19 Infected

Healthy children were not at high risk for COVID-19 infection. This is more incriminating Pfizer data confirming that the COVID-19 mRNA injections cause infection and are NOT vaccines.

Karen Kingston

Now a forced medical treatment which BionTech/Pfizer said should have been licensed as a Gene Therapy Injection (2015) and which targets the Dentric Cells in the Lymph Nodes (2023) - but what for?

But here is a problem - future vaccines are now as per ”June 7, 2024: The 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals just ruled are "forced medical treatment" and the CDC’s claim that the vaccines are ‘safe and effective’, the court responded with the rhetorical question, “safe and effective for what?” which makes all "vaccines" illegal, by definition and purpose.

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Why on earth would this study exclude the most prevalent vaccine, taken by the most people, in medical history - the FLU??

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Because the Influenza vaccine is a protein vaccine and doesn't transfect.

So it can harm by saturation (like steroids), but not by triggering Tcell attacks (if proteins would be pushed inside cells by saturation, one could contemplate Tcell attacks).

That makes the tradition protein flu vaccine much safer, but still dangerous.

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curious....when dr. judy mikovits implicates the flu vaccine in producing "chronic fatigue syndrome.".....you say what?

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I am not sure where "Chronic fatigue syndrome" originates exactly (could be tied to endocrine disorder). I know HBOT helps with Chronic Fatigue (see references in "The Needle's Secret" my book) which suggests it's related to capillary leakage, and possibly necrosis. And indeed there are case reports of influenza-vaccine triggered capillary leakages. So it is very possible, but the probabilities aren't the same as with transfecting vaccine. In other words, you probably have 2 or 3 orders of magnitude more chronic fatigue following COVID vaccines than influenza vaccines. I hope this helps.

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Makes sense Marc. Thanks.

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